
Posted Wednesday June 12, 2024

What an awesome time Dada Chantaraviroj, Ophelia Nam, Sabrina Chan, Aaliyah Silvestre and Phoebe Davidson-Watts had at the DanceNZmade workshops and competition last weekend in Invercargill.

Eight hours of Dance workshops over Friday and Saturday resulted in so much learning but also very tired bodies!!

Sabrina, Aaliyah and Dada were competing with their Hip Hop Crew - Illuminate-, Phoebe had a Duo and Dada also had a Trio, Duo and a solo Hip Hop performance.

Huge congratulations to Illuminate on winning the Intermediate Group section AND being named the Overall Group Champions for 2024.

Dada and Aaliyah also had great success with their Duo, which placed 1st in the Intermediate Duo/Trio section

Dada, with Pip and Mikayla, placed 1st in the Senior Duo/Trio section AND was named the overall Duo/Trio Champion for 2024.

In the Senior Hip Hop section, Dada was placed 2nd Runner up.
Phoebe and Heidi placed 1st in the Junior Duo/Trio section.

Can't wait to see the girls perform again at the Interschool Competition in July!!
