Principals Comment

Posted Thursday May 16, 2024

Kia ora e te whānau

There is an obligation on all members of a community to show responsibility for what is undertaken in a school to achieve success and the efforts that go into obtaining the resulting outcomes. On Thursday May 30th, we have our Whānau Conferencing in the afternoon so we as a College will have the opportunity to meet with our parent community for all year levels to discuss each individual’s progress over the last term and into the new term. We hope to have all families attending the day with their children to find out firsthand how they are faring across subjects, and overall at St Peter’s College.

We, as a school community, have the responsibility of ensuring all our young people experience the best teaching and learning that is possible at all times. Our teachers make every effort to grow our student’s knowledge and confidence and therefore provide the stepping stones for their current and future success. Whānau Conferencing also provides our teachers the opportunity to not only share their experiences but to provide assurance for future pathways and at the same time encourage parents to join with us in a team effort to support and drive our young people to reach their lofty goals.

Accountability is the corner stone of taking responsibility for all that is done on a daily basis and measuring the outcomes to the goals set. It is extremely important to review and refocus as often as possible so that the goal that we are working towards is never lost in the daily humdrum of life. Let’s, as a St Peter’s Community, take time as often as we can to pause and ensure we are accountable and bring about positive change that enhances our experiences and allows us to grow.

We take time to thank our community for their continued support and well wishes. As we make a start to Term Two, let our young people not lose focus of their academic pursuits and yet participate wholeheartedly in their winter sport commitments. We also look forward to our St Peter’s community on the sidelines of the range of sport that our students are involved in.

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