Posted Friday July 5, 2024

All school accounts are up to date with the information we have for subject donations, uniform and sport charges.  Statements are emailed out at the end of every month.

All uniform and sport are goods and services already paid for by the school, and as such are chargeable and recoverable items that we require prompt payment for.  If you have outstanding uniform or sport on your account from this year, please pay this as soon as possible.  If these remain outstanding, we will be following these up to request payment.

Prior Year Outstanding Accounts

If you have previous years chargeable items on your school account that have not been paid, please pay these immediately.  We will be following these up over the next few weeks and if these remain unpaid you can expect to receive an email or phone call requesting payment.

The school’s bank account details are as follows:
St Peter’s College BOT
12 3434 0012635 000
Reference:  Your child’s name

If there is a specific item you would like to pay for, please also use this in the reference.  Otherwise, we will allocate the payment at our discretion.  If you have more than one child you are paying for, we encourage you to have separate payments for each child to ensure correct payment allocation.  Please also update any existing automatic payment references with the correct reference details, particularly if one child has now left school.


Thank you
Paula Robertson
Business Manager