Our very own Eilish Greene took home first place at the Rotary Speech Competition dinner meeting held at the end of last month.
With a confident and engaging delivery, Eilish impressed both the judges and the audience with her thought-provoking speech on globalisation. It was an absolute pleasure to join her mother and the Rotary members to hear her challenge us to consider whether globalisation truly benefits everyone or just a select few.
In her well-structured and insightful speech, she highlighted important issues like wealth inequality, forced labour, and cultural loss, questioning whether globalisation is as fair and beneficial as it is often portrayed.
Her speech was memorable, not only because of its relevance, but also because of her passionate delivery. Eilish also connected her ideas to the Rotary Four-Way Test, encouraging us all to think about fairness, truth, and the impact of our choices. She ended her wonderful speech with a powerful call to action, saying, “As we journey onto the bridge of the future, let's make sure it is strong enough to carry us all, not just a few.”
Eilish did an outstanding job representing us all, and her achievement is one to be truly proud of. Her speech left a lasting impression, sparking important conversations and inspiring those who listened. Congratulations, Eilish - we can't wait to see what you accomplish in the next round in Dunedin later on in the year!