Welcome to Mr Kieran Udy
Following his appointment to the role of Principal from 2025, Mr Udy has visited Gore to look at houses and last week visited the College and met a number of staff and students. Mr Udy also attended the School Board meeting and spent time with Mrs Quinney as part of the induction process.
We thank Mr Udy for using his Annual Leave to undertake this visit and thank the Paeroa College School Board for granting it.
A mihi whakatau to formally welcome Mr Udy to St Peter’s College will be held on the 3rd of February 2025, to which the whole school community is warmly invited.
Student Voice
Following requests from students, two new optional items have been added to the school uniform – a blue school jersey and a summer uniform tie for senior girls. The Board would like to acknowledge the work done by student representatives James Mackereth, Courtney Scanlan and Millie McFadzien, as well as staff, in supporting and implementing these initiatives.
Rosmini House
The hostel is operated by a charitable trust and the Trust Board, School Board and Diocese are in discussions about how a hostel for students of both St Peter’s College and Maruawai College might successfully run in 2025 and beyond. Like many school boarding facilities, financial viability is a major challenge. The collective aim is to find a sustainable solution and to make a clear decision by the end of the school term to provide certainty for hostel families.
Susan Horrell Memorial Courts
The St Peter’s College PTFA works very hard to raise finds to support school projects and we are very appreciative of their efforts. The refurbishment of the School Board’s Susan Horrell Memorial Courts is the key focus of the Association’s endeavours and the school community is encouraged to continue supporting their fundraising initiatives and to consider joining the Association itself.
Statutory Intervention
The intervention will be reviewed again in Term I, 2025. The outcomes sought from the intervention, as revised in April 2024, have yet to be achieved.
The School Board is looking forward to joining with the school community to recognise and celebrate the many and varied achievements of our students this year.
John Hogue (Presiding Member)