Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award update

Posted Monday May 27, 2024

At a whole-school assembly last week, three current students and one recent student were recognised for completion of the Bronze level of the Award. Ola Brumby (Year 11), Grace Milliken and Mikaela McRae (Year 12) and Kate Perkins (Year 13, 2023, presented to her mother, Mrs Lisa Perkins) received certificates and badges.

If starting something is often hard, carrying it through right to the end is even harder, so it was great to be able to acknowledge four young people who have (to borrow from St Paul), 'fought the good fight and finished the race'.

Any student in Year 9 or above interested in any level of the Award can self-register at any time by visiting https://dofehillary.org.nz/

Current Bronze students are meeting this term on a weekly basis at lunch for the 'preparation and training' aspect of their Adventurous Journey section. 
