Principal's Comment

Posted Thursday June 20, 2024

Kia ora e te whānau

Over the past week there have been many events happening in and around the College. Firstly, I would like to mention the PTFA Quiz Night that is happening tonight at the Croydon Lodge, with doors opening at 6.30pm for a 7pm start. We would love to see as many teams there tonight as possible from our community to support this worthy event for the refurbishment of the Susan Horrell tennis courts. A huge thank you to the PTFA for the planning and organisation of this event, and to the sponsors and our families for your auction and raffle donations, and to the student helpers from our servant leadership council who will also be helping us tonight.

The Beef and Lamb Ladies Long Lunch was held in Gore this year at the Town and Country Club and not only was it lovely to have our senior Food Technology female students able to attend with Mrs Lisa Perkins, I was also very proud of our First XV rugby players and volunteers who tirelessly worked away behind the scenes plating the food and serving as waiters for our community. I received many positive comments from the ladies during the event who were very impressed with the only males in the room! We thank Churchy’s and Jude Taylor catering for giving us this opportunity to fundraise for our upcoming tour to Australia for our First XV.

This rugby tour is taking place in the upcoming July school holidays, and we are super excited to be travelling to Brisbane and the Gold Coast to play some schools over there as well as indulge in some fun activities like attending the State of Origin grand final at Suncorp Stadium. I would like to personally thank our rugby administrator, Dana Turnbull, for all of her hard work in organising and facilitating fundraising events to make this happen, alongside our boys and their parents and caregivers for committing to the planning and financial outlay needed. Myself, coach Ben Sanson and Dana will be travelling with the boys, and we will update you on our time away on our Rugby Facebook page from the 10th to 18th of July. Our First XV are fantastic role models for our junior players. Below is a picture of some of our team giving up their time to support our year 7 & 8 A grade team, with Austyn and Ben even running the touch line. We hope to reinstate and continue our tradition of overseas tours for our First XV for many years to come.

This week our Commerce team of Mr Will Byars and Ms Mandeep Kaur, with the help of some super impressive Year 9 and 10 students, put on a Market Day for our students and whānau at lunchtime. We were able to purchase a wide range of sweet and savoury treats alongside some cool arts and crafts and a fun afternoon was had by all, so thank you to all involved.

Lastly, it is with sadness that we share the news of the sad passing of Loyola Williams this week. Loyola was a long serving staff member of St Peter’s College for over thirty years, including time as Assistant Principal. Loyola was the first lay staff member of our school, and she is remembered fondly by all who knew her. Loyola was celebrated in the 2001 “Rock” on her retirement and students recalled her pleasant manner and smiling face, her dedication to their learning, and her encouraging approach to their wellbeing. Before leaving St Peter’s, Loyola donated two cross stitched works featuring the Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments, which we still cherish on our walls. Rest in peace Loyola as our love and prayers are with your husband, John, and all your wider family and friends at this time.

Loyola Williams on the left, with husband John on the right.

 As we enter Week 9 of the term, we have a significant event on our calendar, the Feast of St Peter and St Paul. We will celebrate this Mass on Thursday, June 27th at 10am, at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, and we invite all in our community to celebrate with us. This day is central to what it means to belong to our community. Our College is named for Peter, our “Rock,” and founder of the Catholic Church. The day will conclude with the House Singing competitions and "Best of the Rest" Concert when we return to school as part of our Eisteddfod event, and all students including staff, will participate in this. Most importantly, it is a day in which our young people have the opportunity to develop their sense of belonging by celebrating their devotion to St Peter, our College and each other.

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