We are very fortunate to once again welcome John Parsons to Hāto Petera, St Peter’s College, next week. John is an internationally recognised expert in cyber-safety and will be with us on Thursday 20 March. During the day he will address issues such as online predators, cyber bullying and sextortion with our ākonga, issues which are very real and being experienced by our rangatahi. If your child has a phone or a computer, they are not immune from any of these threats. All whānau are welcome to join him for a Whānau information session at 7pm in our Chapel. This will be a combined session for whānau from St Mary’s and St Peter’s as rangatahi of both kura are at risk of these problems.
Looking forward to seeing you at 7pm in the Chapel on Thursday 20 March as we work together to keep our rangatahi safe.