Career Pathways Department

Posted Tuesday July 30, 2024

This week we again ran our Year 13 Toolbox day.  This is a day where we combine with Maruawai College and take students offsite to listen to a wide range of speakers in preparation for leaving school.

Students broke into small groups and listened to experts in Health and Wellbeing, Banking and Insurance, Scholarship help, Personal presentation, Local Opportunities and Studylink.

The day was then finished with a panel of ex students who spoke about their journey after school and gave some words of wisdom for the next steps on their career journey.


This week from the Murihiku Tertiary Academy we feature Carlos Shuttleworth Briggs who is building a minibike at the Invercargill programme.

Next weeks events:

Tuesday 6 August University of Canterbury Course Planning

Thursday 15th August 5.30pm in the Chapel Studylink presentation for parents and students.
